By Kate Spencer

When Sweden-based Norwegian singer and composer Rebekka Karijord initially reached out to poet Jessica Dessner about collaborating on an album together in 2016, the plan was to create a 12- track record inspired by climate change and the environment, each track corresponding to a month of the year. This concept was transformed, however, when Dessner was diagnosed with breast cancer. “I kind of went M.I.A. for a period of time,” Dessner explained in an interview for Northern Transmissions. “…but then I got a really incredible note from her saying that if I wanted to use the project to deal with everything I was going through, she was giving me the space for that.” And with that, Complete Mountain Almanac was born.
With compositions and vocals by Karijord set to lyrics based on Dessner’s 2020 poetry book of the same name, Complete Mountain Almanac chronicles Dessner’s journey through the months. Karijord’s lilting vocals combined with string and guitar arrangements by Dessner’s brothers Bryce and Aaron of The National create a haunting atmosphere that captures the listener immediately.

The opening track January sets the tone for the record with it’s warm yet eerie guitars accompanying Karijord’s soothing voice; “I need you to wake up,” she repeats pleadingly, bringing a new life to Dessner’s words. Karijord’s vocals are the perfect vessel for Dessner’s poetry, delicate and careful but powerful when needed. Her defiant performance on the final track, December, is a highlight on the album. Tracks such as March and September build on this near religious sound with layered and heavily reverbed vocals along with light electronic elements, highlighting Karijord’s skills as a composer and producer. Her ability to blend her distinctive sound with that of Dessner brothers is exemplified in February, a faster paced, percussion heavy track with plucky guitars and contributions from Sweden’s Malmö Symphony Orchestra.
Although it’s still early in the year, Complete Mountain Almanac is already one of the most thoughtful and poignant releases of 2023. Beautiful both on its surface and deep within its content, it is a rarity that reveals more with each listen.
Rated nine out of ten.